Our 1995 ex-army Leyland Daf

The base vehicle is a 1995 Leyland DAF ex-army truck. It has a six-litre Cummins engine and is permanent four-wheel drive. The vehicle had 28,000 km on the clock when we bought it.


We had the chassis extended to create an extra metre of living space in the cabin; which was built by Overland Vehicles (www.overlandvehicles.co).20111119-183223.jpg






The truck is equipped with a diesel-powered generator that supplements the leisure batteries when we are stationary and an Eberspacher diesel heater which provides both hot water and hot air for the cabin heating system.


Inside we have air conditioning in the cabin, a fitted kitchen with hob, oven, microwave and sink,


a bathroom with shower, basin and (ceramic) loo,


and a king-sized bed.

One of the best features of the vehicle is the hatch beside the seating area which allows us to eat al fresco

The vehicle weighs 9,600kg (9.5 tons) on the road which makes it just about the slowest thing on the road. On the flat it will cruise at 80kmh.


Paul Faithfull says:Looks like a great start to what I’m sure will be a fantastic trip. I almost felt homesick for New Zealand! Take care of yourselves and make the very most of everything, Paul Faithfull

Michael says: Hi Guys it’s Michael and Urszula here. We are back in oz dealing with my broken wrist as we speak. Loving the blog and so impressed with what you’ve done with your mobile accommodations! Lovely to have met you both. Warmest regards. Hope the passports got sorted and delivered as promised!

Denise says: Fab photos. Great truck – I love it! X

Angela says: Hey Danielle, I’ve just got your postcard!!! what a releif that was, as I thought you’d dropped off the face of the world! Little did I know that you were roaming it!!! That is one awesome truck…! Great to hear from you again and i’ll definitely hold you to that lunch date.

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