
We stopped over in Iceland for five days en-route to Orlando.

We awoke on our first morning in Reykjavik to a view from our hotel room over a dark and snow-blown square.

When dawn finally came, we had better weather to explore the town.



The Lutheran Hallgrímskirkja Church dominates the sky-line,


and has a great view over the town from its belfry.


The national Museum tells the story of Iceland from the early settlement – by a mix of Vikings, Irish monks and British slaves – to independence.

We hired a car and followed the rest of the tourists to visit the sights of the ‘Golden Circle’.

Thingvellir National Park is a rift valley caused by the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates; which are moving apart from one another at the rate of 2cm each year. 


Apart from its natural wonders,


including frozen waterfalls,


Thingvellir is Iceland’s spiritual home,


and the site of the meeting place of its ancient Parliament; founded in 930 AD.


The geothermal area at Geysir gave the world the name for periodic eruptions of boiling water.

The ice made the falls and gorges at Gulfoss even more spectacular.



7 thoughts on “Iceland”

  1. Amazing trip I can’t believe you have all that energy. Hope to see you in Montreal.


    Best regards et love


  2. Hello Paul and Danielle, Lovely photos of dramatic icy scenery. Glad you enjoyed your time there love Joanna & Paul xx

  3. Hello dear two, we are rather late in catching up with you. I visited Iceland many times in the 1970’s when working for BP. At the first lunch I recall being asked to join them in a toast and was given a glass of something they called ‘Black Death’. This was followed by their speciality fermented shark tasting just like gorgonzola – luckily I like gorgonzola. Having broken the ice an excellent working relationship ensued over time and I was even invited salmon fishing. It was lovely to see your photographs – happy memories. If you return, do buy yourselves an Icelandic jumper – warmer than cashmere and feather light; we still wear ours.

  4. Very envious – as ever – although more of the USA bit than the dark and cold of Iceland (which other friends loved). Also intrigued to hear about ‘British slaves’ there; has Iceland paid us suitable reparations? We’ll follow your blog with great interest, not least because my oldest mate Steve and I drove across the States in 1989 and I’m interested to read your take on the place. Have a great time and stay safe, Paul and Maralyn.

  5. Hello Paul and Danielle
    Iceland trip looks fantastic. We have not been there but perhaps this blog will be the catalyst!
    We look forward to the US photos.
    All the best
    Avnish & Harsha

  6. Hi Paul and Danielle. I hadn’t realised you were back on the road. So thanks for the email Danielle. Iceland looks wonderful. Maybe being so far away from it all is the best idea in the crazy days! Have a great trip
    Carole and Wendy

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