A fortnight in Sydney

We arrived in Sydney four days before the ship carrying the truck from Auckland reached Port Kembla – which is about 50 miles south of Sydney. It took a further ten days to clear the vehicle through the port – mainly because of the usual requirement by Australian Quarantine that it be steam-cleaned.

We tried to take full advantage of the enforced immobility by being active tourists in what is one of the world’s most attractive and relaxed cities. We made daily excursions from our accommodation-with-a-view on the 37th floor of an apartment hotel on the doorstep of Chinatown in the city centre.


The harbour ferries are the highlight of the public transport system and these, together with pathways following the contours of the harbour inlets, gave us views of the city’s most famous landmarks from all angles.






Coming from three and a half months on the road, we took the opportunity of being in the big city to get some Kulcha; visiting a high proportion of the city’s major museums and galleries…


and attending no fewer then three performances at the Sydney Opera House.




For the latter, we have to thank Jonathan McCauley, a singer with Opera Australia who I met on the Milford Track (see South Island) which he was walking with his wife, Deborah Humble, an opera singer based in Hamburg. Jonathan, who shares my liking for New Zealand red wine, invited us for dinner…


was a major source of advice on our sightseeing and obtained excellent seats for the opera at low or no cost. Although not hitherto opera goers, we enjoyed all three performances greatly and the evening view from the Opera House is very beautiful.



In between visits we ate good food, wandered and enjoyed the general ambience of Sydney, which is an easy city to like.







Carole says: Hi there. I’ve just caught up on your blog, with a rapid tour of the last bits of NZ. What amazing pictures. And you, Paul, looking so weather beaten and hardy. Good to see you both enjoying Sidney – I loved it too when I was there a good few years ago.

Simon McIlroy says: Great pictures of you and the city of Sydney. Recalls memories of our visit. Looking forward to the next batch of photos. Danielle-thank you for your “postcard” Paul-(1) we very recently met a couple, who live in Godstone and know your parents. (2) Should I buy some shares in Australian wine companies and keep for the duration of your visit? And brewery companies in other countries before you land. Bon voyage!!


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