Visualisation and meditation. Look at each iPad art, visualising and meditating on the word(s) under the art for 5 seconds.

Special Encounters

Beautiful Light

Simple Life

Happy Life

Energising Sea Water




The Sky is Blue

Comforting Pink Clouds

Good-natured Friendship
Dear Danielle, So interesting: soothing and fun, I enjoyed these very much, here is my immediate response, and please excuse me for giving each number rather than typing out the individual titles.
1 climbing and tumbling back down, joyfully.
2 uplifting – following the gentle finger.
3 lying contented on a lilo in the sea at Brancaster in Norfolk.
4 spotted ayellow lower case h.
5 breathing in the ozone very slowly and deeply, but slightly concerned about the red lobster on the left.
6 –
7 togetherness harmony
8 Mother Nature’s tulip.
9 delicate, wafting gauze
10 skiing side by side .
Dear Daniëlle,
This is a lovely meditation, one to do every day in winter……the antidote to grey weather and dark skies. The ones that stay with me are Simple Life and Rejoicing, I don’t know why, but they come back to me during the day. Comforting Pink Clouds brings music into my mind.
Uplifting, and so easy to do! I will keep this close during the dark season. Thank you for this.
Chers Danielle et Paul,
J’ai reçu votre carte postale il y a quelque temps déjà. Je vous en remercie. Je vous souhaite un très Joyeux Noël où que vous soyez et une très belle année 2021.
Bien chaleureusement,
This is beautiful and calm and meditative.
Avnish and Harsha