Danielle’s Turkish Gallery

Visualisation and meditation. Look at each iPad art, visualising and meditating on the word(s) under the art for 5 seconds.

Special Encounters


Beautiful Light


Simple Life


Happy Life


Energising Sea Water








The Sky is Blue


Comforting Pink Clouds


Good-natured Friendship

4 thoughts on “Danielle’s Turkish Gallery”

  1. Dear Danielle, So interesting: soothing and fun, I enjoyed these very much, here is my immediate response, and please excuse me for giving each number rather than typing out the individual titles.

    1 climbing and tumbling back down, joyfully.
    2 uplifting – following the gentle finger.
    3 lying contented on a lilo in the sea at Brancaster in Norfolk.
    4 spotted ayellow lower case h.
    5 breathing in the ozone very slowly and deeply, but slightly concerned about the red lobster on the left.
    6 –
    7 togetherness harmony
    8 Mother Nature’s tulip.
    9 delicate, wafting gauze
    10 skiing side by side .

  2. Dear Daniëlle,
    This is a lovely meditation, one to do every day in winter……the antidote to grey weather and dark skies. The ones that stay with me are Simple Life and Rejoicing, I don’t know why, but they come back to me during the day. Comforting Pink Clouds brings music into my mind.
    Uplifting, and so easy to do! I will keep this close during the dark season. Thank you for this.


  3. Chers Danielle et Paul,

    J’ai reçu votre carte postale il y a quelque temps déjà. Je vous en remercie. Je vous souhaite un très Joyeux Noël où que vous soyez et une très belle année 2021.

    Bien chaleureusement,


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