Montreal and Gaspesie

Long flight to Montreal via Santiago de Chile and Toronto. Met by Andree, Danielle’s sister, and went straight into a family reunion.

Three days in and around Montreal……

including a visit to the insectarium.

Then hired a car for a rapid, four-day, 2,400km circuit of the Gaspe Peninsula. Stopped for lunch at L’Auberge de Portage on the Fleuve St Laurent (where we had stopped 11 years ago as we headed up to Labrador at the beginning of our journey through the Americas).

Ate a lot of lobsters and saw some of the other native creatures…..




in a zoo – of course – and drove the beautiful coastline….

and stayed in some nice places.




Paul says: Some really good pictures – loved the lighthouse. Like something out of Cape Wrath…

Andrée GAgné says: Allo ma soeur, J’ai vu les quelques photos que tu as mis sur le blog. donnez-nous des nouvelles.  A bientôt!  Andrée xxx

Keith,Penny&Angela says: K,P&A.  We were glad to see that you had a good time with Andree and family, given that it seemed most unlikely that you were ever going to get away.

François says: Bonjour Danielle et Paul, j’ai inscrit mon adresse sur votre blog pour recevoir vos mise à jour … Bonne année 2012 à vous deux! François.

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