Buenos Aires

After a chaotic 36 hours of packing and clearing the house, we were very grateful to my mum and dad who drove us to Gatwick for an overnight flight to Buenos Aires via Madrid. Stayed five nights at the Sheraton which was the venue for the World Psychiatric Association Congress (definitely a step up from the gas station forecourt where we slept in our Landrover the last time we had visited Buenos Aires on our trip through the Americas ten years ago). I have to confess to spending more time sight-seeing than conference going.

Highlights (in no particular order) included Recoleta and a visit to the city of the dead, where the rich of Buenos Aires have their mausoleums, a succulent chateaubriand steak and a very good bottle of Malbec at La Cabana Restaurant……


‘El Zanjon de Granados’, an old house which has been excavated to show the historical development of the ‘old’ part of Buenos Aires in which it is located…..


the Opera house – we visited in the morning and attended a concert there in the evenings……


20111108-213149.jpgand lunch at Cafe Las Violetas.



Simon McIlroy says: Yes-caught up with you at last!! Great way to share some of your experiences. We will look forward to your news as and when. Take care and best wishes, Susie & Simon.

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