Southern USA

3/12 -16/12/2000

From Pensicola, we crossed into Alabama, stopping for lunch a Mobile on our way through Mississippi, into Louisiana – ending the day at New Orleans.  We camped at St Bernard’s State Park – south of the city  – and, next day, visited the French quarter;

having jambalaya and crawfish for lunch and ending at Preservation Hall.

Continuing west, we stopped at the state University Rural Museum at Baton Rouge – a re-creation of a plantation;

complete with slave quarters.

Another long drive took us to San Antonio; where we spent time on the River Walk,

didn’t forget the Alamo,

and visited the Witte Museum; the highlight for us being the Native American exhibits.

Continuing west on I90 and into Texas, the landscape became drier; with prickly pear, scrub and sandstone canyons.

Much of the land was fenced in by the vast Texan ranches.

The temperature was below zero, when we arrived a Big Bend National Park – with a forecast of winter storms – to camp at the Rio Grande Village.  Despite the weather, we managed to walk some of the trails and drive to the summit of the Chisos Mountain range.

On our last night in the USA, we camped just ouside the border town of Presidio.  As we passed through American Immigration, the border guard questioned our sanity for wanting to risk visiting Mexico.

3 thoughts on “Southern USA”

  1. We can see why years later you went back to re-vist some areas. You were covering vast distances in a short time.

  2. I am very taken with that picture of the masks – keep coming back and looking at them, I might re-draw them in my sketchbook. Pity I cannot see what the notice says about them!

  3. My worst hangover ever in N’Awlins, 24+ hours – and I still have the stone I carried to throw at any mountain lion in Big Bend. No mention of Cajun music/food…?

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