Finding our feet in Auckland

Our third overnight flight in three weeks via Los Angeles – losing a day on the way to the international date line. Multiple bag searches and queues because we had to pass US immigration (visa and all) just for a three-hour transit stopover in LA.

To compensate, we booked into a very comfortable apartment hotel on Beach Road in Downtown Auckland for our first four days during which we recovered from jet-lag and played the tourists; visiting the museum


the Sky-Tower



and taking the boat to Rangitoto Island a new volcanic island close to Auckland that appeared just 600 years ago.



We spent the next week lodging in a flat attached to the house of Arthur, a cousin of my father who emigrated to New Zealand more than 50 years ago, and his wife, Jean.


Arthur and Jean live within walking distance of Eden Park which was handy because I had a ticket for the England/France quarter final.





However, I spent much of the week dealing with the red tape required to clear the vehicle through the port with the help of an agent – Grant. Having passed the customs’ check and the inspection by the Ministry for Agriculture and Fisheries, for unwanted foreign plants or animals brought in on dirty tires, boots, tent pegs etc, things got stuck because the Compliance people could not decode the Vehicle Identification Number and referred the matter to Wellington. Eventually it was left to me to phone DAF Trucks in the UK and track down a helpful man in their technical department who was willing to look into the archives. The answer is:
SBL = World Manufacturer Identification Code, Leyland DAF
A = Vehicle Type, Truck
V = Drive Line Configuration, 4×4 1 driven front axle, 1 driven rear axle
44 = Vehicle Series, 4 Tonne 4×4
C = Engine Type, PACCAR/Cummins 5.9L
E = Cab Type, F210 Cab
0 = Model Year Code, Standard
L = Assembly Location, Leyland
131300 = Chassis Number

We finally got hold of the truck last thing on Friday 14th October, packed on Saturday morning and headed north.




Paul says: Just as well they let the truck in.Wouldn’t have been the same in a Ford Fiesta…

Robert Tardif says: Thank you for allowing us to travel with you.
Olivier & I are happy to follow you on your journey. Kisses and hugs to both of you

Wendy Clark says: A pity about the rugby but you both look sooo relaxed!

Keith,Penny&Angela says: Hope you do not leave the truck standing too long in any one place – it is going to take a while to straighten out the humps in your driveway.


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